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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
United States


A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


What suit, suits you?

Diane Pollack

Do you hate bathing suit shopping? Bathing suit shopping is not fun for many women. Most of us have our body image issues and as we age they may become worse. I wish I had the magic fix, sorry I don't.

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The Wedding Season Issue

Diane Pollack

This time of year we often get invited to more weddings than usual. And one of the first questions is what to wear? Here are some general tips and guidelines that may be helpful.

Where is the location of the wedding?

For instance:..

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Why Trends are Like iPhones...

Diane Pollack

How do you know when a trend has gone out of style?

I once gave a live webinar where someone asked me this question. Although I think I gave a pretty decent answer on the spot, it made me really think about it some more after.

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I Have All This Stuff in my Closet, Now What?

Diane Pollack

Do you love to shop, but frankly you are not that good at it? 

Maybe you pick up a piece here because you are "in the mood" and another there because it is on super-sale. There is no rhyme, reason or intention for your purchases and you don't even know what will work with your wardrobe.

If you are anything like my client Faith, you have a closet full of clothes, bags and accessories in every color that can mix and match into great outfits, but you don't really know how to put it all together. HELP!!!

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My Top Organizational Tips Revealed

Diane Pollack

You can never have too much closet space, am I right?

Especially in NYC, we just don't have the kind of space that our suburban friends have.

What to do?  Well yes, first, I am going to recommend getting rid of all the clutter you don't need, but that is a whole other newsletter. Here I am going to tell you the best ways to physically organize your closet to best utilize the space and see everything you have. (And note to suburban friends you should still do this too.)

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What Will You Toss?

Diane Pollack

You don't need to store away  EVERYTHING

Although the weather will probably still be warm for a while, once it is after labor day, I still get that "back to school" mentality. The change of seasons, cool breeze in the air, makes it time to start thinking about what type of items to infuse in your fall wardrobe. Think of this change of seasons like a fresh start, similar to new years.

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7 Tips to Get the Best Deal

Diane Pollack

Shopping is a sport for me. I love to find extra markdowns and get the best price. Last month I bought a denim skirt at Banana Republic, originally $76 and I paid $4.20. This is not the first time I have found great deals either.

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Does Black Go With Everything?

Diane Pollack

As the summer continues, I have been noticing more and more that women often automatically put everything back to black as a go-to color that supposedly  "goes with everything."

Although this isn't on the official "fashion don't list",  I am here to tell you that there are better choices which will instantly make your outfit look more cohesive and stylized.

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The Top 4 Reasons Your Closet Is A Mess

Diane Pollack

What are the top reasons your closets are a mess?

1) You just don't make the time to go through them.
2) You have sentimental value attached to items. 
3) You spent a lot of money on clothes & feel bad getting rid of them.
4) You no longer fit into them and hope to one day.

Which is your reason?

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Do You Feel The Same Way As Amy Schumer?

Diane Pollack

Do you feel overwhelmed by your wardrobe? Not know how to put great outfits together? Not sure what is right for your body type?  Well you are not alone. Amy Schumer feels that way too! Listen to a great video where she reveals her insecurities about her wardrobe and discusses the relief and empowerment she found because of the help of her personal stylist.

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Want to Feel Organized for the New Year?

Diane Pollack

De-clutter yourself for the New Year!

Since I had no major plans for the holidays & my family is local, I decided it would be a nice quiet time to catch up and organize paper files, storage in cabinets and various other items that I had accumulated and hadn't looked through in a while.

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